Publication of the book ‘Phenomena’ de Laurent Kasprowicz et Romuald Letterrier, and nine contributors

Discussion with Laurent Kasprowicz and Romuald Leterrier on their next book entitled “Phénomènes”.
Where do paranormal or UFO manifestations come from?? Do they have a common source? Is the Universe Entirely Psychic?
Paranormal and UFO phenomena have similar characteristics : they defy the laws of Nature and seem to play with witnesses and researchers from whom they escape again and again. Would they have a common source ? This work stems from the reflections of a collective of international multidisciplinary researchers (ufologue, ethnologist, sociologist, psychologist, philosopher) make a statement : behind the materiality of paranormal and UFO phenomena, there is also an archetypal and symbolic dimension. This observation therefore makes it possible to consider the reality of what the ancients called "invisible world" or "soul of the world"..
Spontaneous Poltergeist-type phenomena, NDE, UFOs, supposed contact with the dead, meetings of 3th type, or Synchronicities show a symbolic dimension, personalized and difficult to objectivize despite some material traces. This ambivalence, this playfulness and this difficulty to objectify these phenomena evokes the concept of the trickster. This symbolic entity takes many forms and is found in all human cultures.. Sometimes Hermès messenger, crook, or cunning animal in myths, is the trickster the autonomous dimension of reality ? His soul ? Does the reality that we seek to know play with the researcher in these fields as much as it plays with and confuses the physicist in his quest for knowledge of Nature? ? Far from being reductive, the major hypothesis of this book is to provide a unified vision of paranormal phenomena beyond matter-mind divisions, visible-invisible, objective-subjective. This collective work therefore aims to set a new paradigm for understanding our relationship to reality and the Universe..
What if our reality was a dream?
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Other researchers associated with the project:
Preface by the sociologist Bertrand Méheust
Afterword of Jocelin Morisson
Romuald LETERRIERis an ethnobotanical researcher and writer. Specialist in Amazonian shamanism. Contributor ofUFOs and consciousness, He is the author of several books includingremember the future. Its multidisciplinary approach, offers new avenues of investigation and experimentation on the link between consciousness and Reality.
Patrick HARPURis a writer English. Author of several best-selling books, his bookDaimonic Realityis an essential work in which he presents an original vision of the world and of Reality which integrates paranormal or ufological phenomena. His contribution to this book is essential..
Brent RAYNESis a american ufologist. Specialist in folklore and John Keel. Brent Raynes has been a researcher since the 1970s, editor and author.
Marc LEDUCis a ufologist, graduate in education sciences (Quebec). He was a founding member of the UFO-Québec association and the magazine of the same name., he then published the “Ufology Newsletter” (« LIUFO ») and the “Ufological Information Bulletin” («BIUFO»). He currently administers the CASUFO databases© and BIBUFO©.
Jean Jacques JAILLATis a long-time philosopher and ufologist. He has written for specialized journals and participated in the bookUFOs and consciousness in 2015.
Sharon HEWITT RAWLETTEistrained philosopher and researcherFranco-American. She is interested in questionssynchronicity and parapsychology. She was a finalist in the big competition forle Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) for which 204 parapsychological researchers from 38 countries were to submit an essay on the best evidence for a survival of consciousness after death.His bookThe Source and Significance of Coincidences, which explores the phenomenon of extraordinary “coincidences”, came out in 2019.
Charles IMBERTconducts research on issues of mythology, of esotericism, awakening and trans-personal psyche. Member of the board of IANDS-France (the famous NDEs). Editor-in-chief of the journal of spiritual studiesA time.
Andann VADNAISis a Canadian ufologist and publisher. Author, speaker, researcher in history and ancient literature. He is also Director of Garpan, one of the most productive ufology investigation and research groups in Canada since 2012.