The GARPAN produced more videos from 8.00-d & rsquo; surveys (288 000 viewings)
In three years, the GARPAN produced and presented free video forty-d & rsquo; surveys, which account for more than 8 h 00 testimonies and visual and auditory materials. These videos-d & rsquo; survey are probably what most particularized investigations and methodology GARPAN over stories & rsquo; UFOs are mostly doomed to & rsquo; oblivion… Leaving ample room for evidence, which are rendered intelligible by the observation of witnesses sketches and geo-spatial reconstructions of events narrated, these videos-d & rsquo; survey give a broader perspective and a more realistic approach to these testimonies d & rsquo; UFOs are often distinguished by the multitude of details of the & rsquo; s observation or & rsquo; event.
Up & rsquo; now to our channel YouTube cumulated :
290 000 viewings
750 Subscribers
over 70 video and video-case d & rsquo; investigation (40)
YouTube : GARPAN Ufologie
(Updated 29 September 2015)