Hello everyone, Following the publication of a long article on Radio-Canada.ca, "A Montreal public library opens to the pseudo-science", published yesterday 16 January, it seems necessary to intervene...
Next "UFO Dinner Québec", Saturday 26 January 2019, from 17:30 : "Visitors of space and ancient civilizations", Christian Pressouyre "And if humanoids were not...
Website of the "5th International UFO Congress in Montreal" : https://congres.garpan.ca/ Press Conference 27 October 2018 : Press confrence of October 27th 2018 :
The « 5th International Congress on Ufology of Montreal » will be held October 27th 2018, at University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM). It will gather a dozen of international speakers specialized in that...
The 5th International UFO Congress in Montreal will host the onsite specialized international speakers in Ufology and several authors and investigators Quebec. Led by a scientific committee, the goal is to bring together researchers doing work...
Next "UFO Dinner Québec", Saturday, September 1 : "Trans-Neptunian Objects, the 'Planet X’ and pole shift ", Benoit Garneau, "The emergence of the 'Flying Saucers’ : the beginning...
The next "UFO Dinner Quebec" will be Saturday 16 June, from 17:30, the restaurant "The Normandin" (5146 Wilfrid-Hamel, Quebec) : 1- "The most famous humanoid...
"The GARPAN : the study of UFO, a discipline that affects science and technology ? », by Véronique Lévesque & Audrey Sanikopoulos, university newspaper "The Specimen" (Université Laval), April 2018 :...
In order to promote the new book by Eric Zürcher, "The meeting closer to 3rd kind in Italy, A catalog raisonné 170 case (1927-2012) », the Garpan Editions offer exclusive T-SHIRTS,...
Welcome to the "2nd Evening lectures on the history of memory", Friday 4 more, in & rsquo; Laval University : 1) "Anthropology of the sacred clown", par Jacko, founder...