Chronology of UFO UFO researchers and organizations in Quebec (1950-2015), for Garpan
Text by Yann and William Lamothe Vadnais
Update the & rsquo; section of the document and published for the first time 26 October 2014.
1) Towards a global ufology
After 70 years & rsquo; civil ufology, our discipline still suffers & rsquo; a lack of international cohesion. The day the information databases of UFO groups of all countries will be gathered (for example, a Wikipedia of ufology), ufologists will finally get an overall picture of the phenomenon are UFOs and unrealistic statistics up & rsquo; for now. Quebec, especially we know the American and French ufologies, and a little Mexican (thanks to the popularity of Jaime Maussan) and Belgian. However, we know almost nothing about the Italian ufologies, German, Scandinavian, polonaise, Russian, Ukrainian, Israeli, African, Saudi, Iranian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Brazilian, argentine, Chilean, etc., and this observation is certainly appalling.
Fortunately, Quebec, we can not complain too much, because since the 1960-, l & rsquo; Quebec UFO was much more productive than d & rsquo; other provinces or & rsquo; other countries. Not only do many UFO researchers have left their traces in the & rsquo; provincial history of our discipline, but Quebecers are often considered more open d & rsquo; mind and more interested in UFOs and paranormal phenomena that our French cousins or our English neighbors. This is particularly striking when the & rsquo; Quebec's population compared (8,2 million & rsquo; people) with that of France (66,6 million & rsquo; people) and that & rsquo; a report on the number of people interested in the & rsquo is established; ufology.
To d & rsquo; honor the rich heritage of & rsquo; ufology Quebec, the GARPAN wrote the Chronology of UFO organizations and ufologists Quebec, of 1950 to 2015. To do this, we consulted several books and have appealed to our fellow colleagues and to validate & rsquo; s information & rsquo; there is. Otherwise, we thank them very much for the many details that & rsquo; they made it !
Our document 15 pages (registered in the National Archives of Quebec) is available in PDF format for the symbolic sum of 3 $. The 15 pages of the document below, but if you appreciate our work, get yourself a digital copy to support the Garpan. Thank you !
Obtain e-document Chronology of UFO organizations and ufologists Quebec :
2) General Remarks
This research, although incomplete, It was a long and arduous, especially because of the number of people with whom we contacted to confirm and clarify the information collected. However, l & rsquo; effort was worth it. Begin by highlighting what emerges from ufology Quebec.
- L & rsquo; ufology Quebec can boast & rsquo; have collected dozens of serious researchers who have made an impressive heritage in the field of ufology, and that, despite the small population of our territory.
- As early as 1970, l & rsquo; ufology Quebec was s & rsquo; support on important authors such as Henri Bordeleau, Jean Casault, Jean Ferguson and members of & rsquo; UFO-Québec (1974-81).
- From decade to decade, we see an increase of & rsquo; public interest in the subject of UFOs, and that, with the number of & rsquo; ufologists assets and the work they have done.
- Based on data collected by the Canadian UFO Survey, we find that the majority of UFO cases in Quebec are not listed in the Canadian statistics. We notice the number of cases received and the Quebec division of Quebec years annual reports sent to them, or Quebec cases were recorded.
- D & rsquo; Our research, s it & rsquo; turns out that only four investigators or groups of investigators have called UFO annual balance sheets Canadian UFO Survey.
- Several authors have left a lasting impression, though they were only passing on the UFO scene, notam intended Norbert Spehner, Yurko Bundarchuk, Reginald Marquis, B. Guénette a R. Haines and Thomas Jean (alias Jacques Dumont).
- Several former ufologists do not want anything to do with the & rsquo; ufology or turned to d & rsquo; other areas of knowledge or & rsquo; other spheres of knowledge, to say so.
- The archives of many ufologists were destroyed.
- From 2009, we believe that & rsquo; there is a revival of & rsquo; ufology Quebec. This can be seen both in the number of publications addressing the subject by multiplying d & rsquo; UFO events (as Congrès UFO-401), the new groups that s & rsquo; initiate into & rsquo; UFO investigation, the understanding that & rsquo; people have since the 2000 and & rsquo; s boiling animating & rsquo; ufology .
3) Special remarks
Here are some points that we used in our research to establish this chronology :
- As the eyes of the general public and those of our colleagues in ufology, Jean is Casault & rsquo; ufologist living the most popular and appreciated Quebec. His last series, filled d & rsquo; exciting investigations and well documented, and son site Internet, large and varied, there are definitely something to. Spiritual approach and the extra-UFO speech of his last books, Some accuse him, n & rsquo; nullify any place and role in Jean Casault & rsquo; contemporary Quebec ufology. And to tell the truth, c & rsquo; is the initial course, more scientific and critical, which gives more credibility to that & rsquo esoteric subjects he addresses now.
- The website and platforms of virtual’Experimental Religion deserve special mention. There are probably more & rsquo; information case, testimonials, d’analyses, d & rsquo; presentations and discussions UFO Quebec than in any other website. You should know that & rsquo; work of Richard Glenn is huge and filled with valuable discoveries. In the years 1980 and 1990, Richard Glenn was the one-stop personality UFO Quebec. With the recent performance of UFO UFO-401, International Congress & rsquo, to Montreal, Richard Glenn and his team have made a comeback by performing a UFO event that was not seen in Quebec for more than 15 years! It was just reward outstanding work of this dynamic team which organizes many events (monthly conferences, other upcoming conferences) and numerous documents (Club CRÉÉ, emission Vidéorandia sur YouTube). A collective heritage.
- The’Quebec Association of ufology (AQU) the major anime UFO monthly meal Montreal from 1998. These evenings provide each year hundreds of people interested in UFOs meet. L & rsquo; AQU has also been a significant database of UFO cases we would like more accessible, although d & rsquo; excellent investigations within their site Internet.
- Another website on ufology archive that many Quebec case is Donald Cyr,which is mine & rsquo; information that many bloggers have copied, plagiarized or operated. Conducting surveys since the 1980, Donald Cyr has accumulated an impressive audiovisual collection and made an important archival work for the & rsquo; ufology Quebec.
- It may seem surprising to publish only two books 40 years of work in ufology, but it remains that François C. Bourbeau played an important role between the UFO-Québec generation and ours, because it is the one that best represents the type of technician UFO investigator, boldly defending the & rsquo; scientific and methodical approach to our discipline. It is also the first to s & rsquo; be invested to train rigorously d & rsquo; other investigators in the years 2000. The UFO-alert network has extensive archive, however we can regret the inaccessibility (site Internet out of service for more than 3 years).
- A major east ufologue Christian R. Page, that was ubiquitous in the UFO landscape and has left its mark in several organizations, accumulating over the years undoubtedly impressive archive. Or, M. Page seems to really defend & rsquo; interest in UFOs on the media plan. Instead he opted for an ultra critical approach to the recognition of UFO phenomena (however, very diverse). What to wear for thought.
- Finally, c & rsquo; precisely scrutinizing the long careers of Casault, Glenn, Page, Bourbeau, Morissette, Cyr and many others that we can see the & rsquo; immensity of their experiences, and therefore also the depth and nuances of positions that & rsquo; they adopt, publicly or theoretically, for some reason or d & rsquo; other.
In conclusion, a big congratulations to all those generations d & rsquo; ufologists!
And a sincere respect for the efforts and sacrifices that everyone has given to a cause that n & rsquo; is still not recognized by our government and scientific institutions.
Do not let go, the best is yet to come.