"Response to the Government of the United States, to the Pentagon and the UAP Task Force " : speech by Yann Vadnais (21 August 2021)
This speech has already been viewed over 13 000 times on different channels (Lux Media, YouTube, Orion airport, Vidéorandia). We finally publish it on our platforms after much procrastination, lack of time. It was after all the main event of the year 2021 organized by the GARPAN. A final cut will finally be released next week..
Below you will find this speech in written form in French and English.
(Note that the English version of this video is unsatisfactory ; I will therefore have to re-record it eventually. However, you can consult the written version of the speech in English.)
« Response to the United States Government, to the Pentagon and the UAP Task Force”
Speech by Yann Vadnais, 21 August 2021
Speech in PDF format (in French) :
Consult on Academia.edu :

Discourse in PDF format (in English) :
Consult on Academia.edu :
Distinguished Members of the Government of the United States,
United States Department of Defense military officers,
Members of the international media and press,
The 24 June 2020, the standing committee of theUnited States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) passed a request that the Intelligence Community and the Department of Defense release information regarding their records on UFOs in 180 days following the adoption of the authorizing law.
This request became effective by the National Defense Authorization Act s & rsquo; year 2021 (a value of 740 billion $ US) which was passed by the House of Representatives on December 29 2020 and by the Senate on 1he January 2021. Remember that this set of federal laws, voted annually, governs the U.S. military budget and expenditures.
Following this announcement, the community of academic UFO researchers — and also all those interested and passionate about this mysterious subject — expected that the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Working Group (UAP Task Force) submit a report to the Senate Committee, six months later, in June 2021, as stipulated. Or, this directive has not been respected, because only theOffice of the Director of National Intelligence made public, the 25 last june, a ‘preliminary report’ of barely seven pages (prepared by UAP Task Force and the Director of Aviation of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence).
For qualified and experienced professionals like you, Honorable representatives, it goes without saying that this disappointment can be explained: or by a flagrant lack of professionalism, or by a political maneuver with suspicious objectives. And as the Director of National Intelligence (DAYS) is appointed by the President, this suggests a change in attitude on the part of the recent Biden administration on this subject.
During the press conference which will follow, you will hear the informed opinions of around thirty specialists and authorities on UFOs from around ten countries. You will learn that university researchers and other independent investigators are not satisfied with this surprising official statement either.: it is well written that eleven cases almost led to an air collision and — black and white — that the “PANs clearly pose a problem for aviation security and may pose a challenge to U.S. national security (p. 3) ».
Yet, the series of major blunders on the part of the United States on the subject of UFOs and the conquest of space are not new: both the pros and cons of the reality of these phenomena have been officially declared over the past seven decades, from the famous US Air Force study projects of the 1940s, fifty and sixty until the revelations of insiders and former employees over the past decades.
As co-organizer of this press conference, I too would like to raise some criticisms. My name is Yann Vadnais and I am the director of GARPAN, a very active research group in Canada since 2012. I am above all a university researcher who works concretely on the recognition of different horizons, perspectives and traditions of study involved in UFO and UAP research.
The problem with UFOs — and this is the warning that I wish to share –, is that ufology can and must be understood in several senses. We must therefore reason in the manner of the philosopher Aristotle and accept the polysemy of this term consecrated by popular culture.. It is necessary to consider the different objects reported by witnesses as belonging in fact to strictly distinct fields of study..
- Radar clutter (airborne clutter) ;
- Phenomenon atmospheric naturel ;
- New technology industrial or governmental ;
- Technology of an opposing foreign nation ;
- Other.
Two things stand out from this list:
- The point 3) implies that the United States government or certain American industries hold unrecognized unconventional technologies ;
- Point 4) : that there are also legitimate reasons to suspect that this might be the case for foreign nations.
As an experienced UFO investigator and researcher, However, allow me to disabuse you. We should rather look at things this way.
1) Mistakes (perceptuelles) and reading errors devices ;
2) Natural phenomena of scientific interest ;
3-4) Probes or technological vehicles ;
5) Others.
Phenomena spotted :
6) UFOs probably fromnon-human origin.
7) Intelligent phenomena interacting with consciousness of
New superhuman intelligences :
8) Artificial intelligence
- Mistakes can be both human and technical, and fall within the investigative field of ufology, which takes care of many amateur groups.
- ‘Natural phenomena of scientific interest’ are not just a matter of meteorology, but also geology, of oceanography, optics, etc.. In this regard, we refer to the catalog of scientific anomalies established by William Corliss.
- Dots 3) and 4) merge. While, on a military level, you have to separate them, but in both cases, we are dealing with machines.
- –
- The point 5) “Others” corresponds very well to real UFOs, and it is a term that has often been used to catalog them.
Reverse against, UFO research has revealed the existence of at least two intriguing and controversial phenomena:
- A phenomenon that primarily interests anthropologists, the folklorists, the mythologists, but also philosophers and phenomenologists: there is indeed an intelligence (perhaps the psyche of the witnesses themselves) which actually interacts with the consciousness of witnesses and is partly conditioned by the environment ;
- A few rare cases of UFOs reasonably admit the plausibility of the hypothesis of an extraterrestrial origin. This is the field of foresight and communication protocols, for example the “Declaration of principles concerning activities subsequent to the Detection of Extraterrestrial Intelligence”, adopted by theInternational Academy of Astronautics (AIA).
While, the military first seeks to determine if it is a threat, but that should not preclude offering the public thirsty for answers a coherent and comprehensive picture of the phenomena associated with UFOs.. Conscientious military and leaders may be right to apprehend an emerging threat: but instead of extraterrestrials from the cosmos who are waiting, we risk very soon being confronted with new actors on the world geopolitical scene, because artificial intelligence is already producing superhuman intelligences.
And when the report states that “the initial goal will be to use artificial intelligence and machine learning machines to cluster and recognize similarities and patterns in the characteristics of datasets”, referring to the Senate report 116-233, it is necessary to inquire. The section 505 informs us that the Director of National Intelligence (DAYS) must “carry out an assessment of artificial intelligence-related export controls (IA), microchip, advanced manufacturing equipment and other AI-based technologies”. And in the comments of the committee (point 3) of this Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, we are informed about the objectives of theAlgorithmic Warfare Cross-functional Team from the Department of Defense. The plan of this team is to “integrate unsupervised artificial intelligence algorithms (for example, algorithms that learn from data without being trained, allowing artificial intelligence to improve itself) in the Project Maven ».
In sum, the scope of this preliminary report is too narrow: The number of cases treated is minimal: 144 case between 2004 and 2021 (most in the past two years). More, the report says : “Most records describe UAPs as objects that interrupt planned training or other military activity. ; and that they “would tend to occur around American training and proving grounds” (p. 5), even admitting that this constitutes a bias in their analysis.
Finally, I offer a third criticism as a university researcher in history. The preliminary report does not presuppose any historical perspective, speaks as if there had never been a study of UFOs before and does not refer to any cases from other countries. When asserted on page 4 that "none standardized reporting mechanism did not exist until the US Navy established one in March 2019 », this is false: both in the United States and in many countries, procedures have existed for half a century to report unidentified sightings. Second, whether the US Navy has established such a UFO reporting protocol since 2019, why is there no question of OANIs, unidentified aquatic objects? Reverse against, the proposal to review all Army radar archives using the computational capabilities of AI is a very good idea. (p. 7)
In conclusion, we can only have a mixed feeling regarding this incomplete report, too short, faulty and without historical perspective. Faced with this awkwardness on such a controversial and explosive subject, we advise that any major announcements regarding UFOs from the military should be supported by a committee of philosophers, of sociologists, of political scientists, of anthropologists, etc., as well as scientists and engineers working on these objects. This cultural precaution would make it possible to better coordinate an intelligent and organized reception of the data to be shared..
In order to assess the quality of the “full report to come”, I suggest you, Honorable Representatives of the American People, to consult in the meantime the recent report of 377 pages of the Commission 3AF-SIGMA2. Written by the Aeronautical and Astronautical Association of France precisely in anticipation of the publication of the report of your Department of Defense, you will find a very good comparative example.
Rigorous UFO research exists and it is relevant in many ways. They should not be diverted from their scientific purposes in order to gain political capital, manipulate the public or conduct disinformation campaigns.
Thank you for your attention,

Yann Vadnais
21 August 2021