Next event GARPAN in Quebec, 21 September 2019
The next GARPAN the event will take place at Laval University, Quebec,
Saturday 21 September, à 18h00.
This will be the "third evening conference on the Memory History" of which the following schedule :
18 h 00-19h00 : Martin JANTA :
"Does the 'contacted’ receive information from non-human intelligences ? »
19h15-19h45 : Ananda BOSMAN :
« Cosmic Intelligence Contactees at the Proto-Sanskrit Genesis of Literature : An A.I. at the Source Code of Semantics »
20h10-21h15 : Yann VADNAIS,
" First part : Analysis and evaluation of the "so-called UFO literature"
21h45-23h00 : " Second part : The dialectic of serendipity and zemblanité "
Doors openning : 17h30
Admission : 15 $ / 10 $ (student, poor citizen)