New : Directory GARPAN ! 208 case, 240 pages
Order the Directory Garpan (240 p.)
Having entered its fourth year of existence, the GARPAN is now able to present a coherent document of & rsquo; all its investigations. This highly illustrated book brings together the annual statements 2012 to 2014, that have been improved for the & rsquo; occasion. If the & rsquo; we scrutinize Bibliography of & rsquo; ufology Quebec we published, we notice that our book is like no other or no study made by the authors and Quebec UFO organizations of the past. Or, one thing is to make investigations d & rsquo; UFOs and receive notifications of the population, and another thing is not to "to sleep" in their workbooks and to send the public with accurate and clearly presented.
We are confident encouraged by our international colleagues to continue our work in this direction which are intended for informational and technical, and not sensationalist or "popular".
This Directory Garpan is expected to grow each year of the new assessment summarizing the & rsquo; year (2015, 2016, etc.). Thus, those who have already purchased & rsquo; s copy & rsquo; previous year benefit from & rsquo; a discount to obtain the "updated version" of & rsquo; current year.
Order Directory GARPAN : annual reports 2012-2014
Hundreds & rsquo; pictures, 240 pages