The UFO cults

Take a few minutes to put ourselves in the shoes of a witness a strange phenomenon. The experiment allowed the most time with a lot of questions. It can choose to search only their answers, while keeping silent about his observation. It would not be good for his reputation to speak. It may also choose to learn from others. This solution may occur reluctantly, personal research has been unsuccessful. Where to turn when he ? His entourage? Specialized in these fields of strange or extraordinary people ? Derision is mostly the appointment and she is the opposite of its needs. It is in exactly this situation which is often witnesses, and can lead to so-called "UFO" sects, that is to say, a sect whose beliefs have an object with links to the topic or better "mythology aliens".
Can be classified into two sects UFO category : the first consists of well-established sects, possessors of physical infrastructure, a structured hierarchy, leaders whose identity is known, etc.. These, although often with a marginal ideology, normally remain in an environment that is socially and legally acceptable. Their various activities revolve around promoting their beliefs. The best known of these sects in Quebec and probably in the world is the Raelian Movement.
The second category is more worrying, we find small groups, gurus whose identity remains secret almost always, being known most often under pseudonyms. Their meeting place is often residential buildings and outdoor environments. Their members may be forced to actions or behaviors against their will. No structure is present and is difficult to verify their historical. Major scandals affected UFO sects within these groups respondents characteristics.
These two categories of witnesses sects attract unusual phenomena for two main reasons : 1) they provide a copy to them and listening, 2) provided their answers ; responses. And they fill the void left by other stakeholders.
This is the heart of the priorities for the year GARPAN 2013. We wish to implement an approach-control shall be a viable alternative for these. Cookies are perfectly aware of what they have seen and experienced. It is unacceptable to reduce their testimony to the rank of fabrications or some superficial explanations or unrealistic. Any unsatisfactory explanation of the risk to cause these marginal groups. The absence of better explanations and elaborations that listening to which the witness can not identify.
Patrice Ratia, GARPAN
Hello, you classify the Raelian Movement in section sects. I, I have a radically different approach, since this organization promotes atheism, and human physical existence like us!
A true cult is, from my point of view, a gathering of people, having founded a dissident movement of a dominant religion!
More subjective ranking Raelian sect as, is consciously or not, to seek to harm their real objectives, that may interest all human, especially those who are interested in ufology!
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